August Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

Threads of Compassion in July

While we’re taking a break from meeting in July, the work continues!

Historically in the summer months approximately 50 scarves have been distributed each month, so please keep creating them.

Also, starting July 1st you can register to join us in submitting scarves to be displayed at the Oklahoma State Fair and then donated. You can find all the details on the Oklahoma State Fair website.

June Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

May Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

We have a great team!

I am so thankful for the people that have helped us over the years with this project! There are a couple who have been here from the beginning, and others that we’ve just met. We really appreciate each one of them.

A few months ago a reporter from The Oklahoman newspaper joined us and learned about our work. It was fun sharing with her and answering her questions. The article she wrote about us was published February 12th.

While it is a great snapshot of our work, it’s important to know that we have lots of great volunteers that didn’t make it into the article. One of those is a lady who lives in Michigan and has sent over 800 scarves over the years. Yes, over 800!

If you’re looking for a great way to encourage people going through a tough situation, we’d love to have you join us. You can visit with us at a Work Day, or work on your own and drop them off during the week.

April Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

Changing our March Meeting Date

Due to the wintery weather and icy road we are rescheduling our March Work Day. Instead of meeting today we will be meeting Sunday March 10th.

Whether you can come for a few minutes or stay for quite awhile, we hope to see you there!

Join us in March!

Our next Work Day is Sunday, March 3rd and we’d love for you to join us.

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm in room A123 at the Memorial Road Church of Christ in Edmond to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves.

Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

Whether you can knit or crochet or help package the scarves we’d love to have you join us!

March Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-4:45 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

Join us Sunday

Join us Sunday!

This coming Sunday, February 3rd (yes, we know there’s a big football game happening that night) is our next Work Day. We’re looking forward to getting together and sharing pattern ideas, crocheting and knitting, and packaging scarves.

We always welcome newcomers. Whether you can stay for a few minutes or a few hours, we’re glad to have you join us.

We’ll be in room A123 at the Memorial Road Church of Christ (2221 E. Memorial Rd.) in Edmond from 2-5pm.