April Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

March Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

Taffy Pull Scarf

woman modeling a multicolored taffy pull crocheted scarf
The Taffy Pull Scarf

Have you ever looked at something and thought “hmm, how did they do that?”

I have, often when I see the beautiful scarves one of our volunteers makes. She’s our go-to when we have questions about which colors or textures to mix. She can look at just about anything and then create something like it. Patterns aren’t really her thing, she just creates. She also can take the leftover bits people have and come back with a beautiful completed scarf.

This pattern for the Taffy Pull Scarf is one that inspired some of the ones that the rest of us look at and say “wow, that’s beautiful, how’d you do that?” So, I decided it’s my turn to try one too. I have some donated yarn and I’ve printed the pattern, so I’m ready to go.

If you’d like to make one too, you can find the pattern here, and join in the fun! It’d be great to see photos of the completed ones as we finish.

February Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

January Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

December Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

November Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

October Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

September Work Day

We’ll be meeting from 2-5 pm to work on scarves, visit, and package completed scarves. Please stop by for a few minutes or the whole time, whatever works best for your schedule.

Threads in July

You may have noticed that we take a break from meeting in July. This doesn’t mean that our work stops. In the past, at least 50 scarves have been needed this month to offer comfort to survivors! We hope you’re continuing to work on ones that we can package next month.

Also, our other July project is to start getting ready for the fair. It’s time to register for the Oklahoma State Fair Creative Arts Competition! Registration happens all online.

You can check out all the fair’s rules here. Please note that the deadline to register is August 15th at 5pm. Scarves must be dropped off at the fair on September 7th or 8th.

We can deliver your scarf to the fair for you! We’ll just need your scarf delivered to us by September 6th.

Whether you want to try a new pattern or one you’ve done many times, we hope you’ll take time to register and create a scarf for the fair. It’s so encouraging to see the display there amidst all the other needlework crafts.