Some months it’s a lot easier to be excited about our Work Day than others. There are months that I feel caught up at work and home, I feel like I’ve spent a good amount of time with my family, and I feel rested –these are the months that are easy to be ready to attend. There are other months that one or all of those areas seems like it needs serious attention and it’s difficult to want to take out an afternoon that could be used on something that feels so needed.
But, I’ve never yet wished I didn’t go to our Work Day. Each month I’m refreshed by spending time with our volunteers, I’m encouraged by their participation, I’m impressed by their creativity in the scarves they donate, and I’m strengthened to know that I’m not the only one recovering from a traumatic experience.
I’m glad we continue to have monthly Work Days. I’ve found that those few hours make a good positive impact in my life, and in the lives of others.
So, as it’s Work Day Eve, I’m looking forward to tomorrow afternoon! I’m excited to reconnect with the friends I’ve made through this project and I’m hopeful we’ll have a new face or two join us as we continue to try to offer a bit of comfort to other survivors.