Getting ready for 2014

We have planned work days for the first part of 2014.

Everyone is welcome to join us, whether you are just learning to knit or crochet, or you’re very experienced.

In addition to working on making scarves we also take time to package completed ones and sort any donated yarn.

Here are the 2014 dates, please mark you calendar and join us:

  • January 12
  • February 2
  • March 2
  • April 6
  • May 4
  • June 1

We’ll be in room A111 at the Memorial Road church of Christ in Edmond. We’re there from 2-5 and will be glad to see you for a few minutes or the whole 3 hours.

It takes a village

When we started this chapter of Threads of Compassion almost 4 years ago, we had no idea what to expect. We saw a great opportunity and stepped out in faith that others would join us. It has worked!

Just yesterday we spent part of our work day sorting through yarn donated by 2 different people. It’s so reassuring to know that others are joining us.

I love watching it all come together! We have people who crochet scarves, people who knit scarves, people who teach others to knit or crochet, people who donate yarn, people who tell others about Threads of Compassion so they can join us, and people who volunteer with the YWCA and give the scarves to survivors. There truly is a place for everyone in this organization.

Thank you to those who have joined us already, we sure appreciate your partnership.

To those who haven’t yet joined but are interested, consider yourself invited we’d love to have your help!

Can you help?

I received a call yesterday from the Director of Sexual Assault Victim Advocacy at the YWCA. She called because they have given out almost all the scarves we have delivered and she wanted to know if we had more ready that they could have.

She met me today to pick up the ones we had ready. You may be wondering… do we really need scarves in the summer?  Unfortunately, yes –she told me that they have been very busy recently, meeting survivors and handing out scarves as they begin a journey of healing.

Even though it may be 100+ degrees outside, a hospital room can feel ice cold, and having a handmade gift that carries a note letting you know you’re not alone helps just a tiny bit at a really tough time.

So, if you can knit or crochet, we need you! The need is great and ongoing, please join us.

Ready for our “Work Day”?

Some months it’s a lot easier to be excited about our Work Day than others. There are months that I feel caught up at work and home, I feel like I’ve spent a good amount of time with my family, and I feel rested –these are the months that are easy to be ready to attend. There are other months that one or all of those areas seems like it needs serious attention and it’s difficult to want to take out an afternoon that could be used on something that feels so needed.

But, I’ve never yet wished I didn’t go to our Work Day. Each month I’m refreshed by spending time with our volunteers, I’m encouraged by their participation, I’m impressed by their creativity in the scarves they donate, and I’m strengthened to know that I’m not the only one recovering from a traumatic experience.

I’m glad we continue to have monthly Work Days. I’ve found that those few hours make a good positive impact in my life, and in the lives of others.

So, as it’s Work Day Eve, I’m looking forward to tomorrow afternoon! I’m excited to reconnect with the friends I’ve made through this project and I’m hopeful we’ll have a new face or two join us as we continue to try to offer a bit of comfort to other survivors.

2nd Half of 2013

We now have dates for our Work Days for the second half of 2013. We hope to see you at one!

  • July 14
  • August 4
  • September 8
  • October 6
  • November 3
  • December 1

We meet in room A111 at the Memorial Road Church of Christ in Edmond, OK.

Did you resolve to be healthier or lose weight in 2013?

It seems that year after year many of us start out hoping, and maybe even planning, to lose some weight and be healthier. Then, regular post-holiday life kicks back in and we continue in our old ways.

This year, if you’re looking for some motivation to move and be healthier, how about joining the YWCA for a 5K in April?

The 2 Minute 5K is a great event! There are people of all skill levels. Last year we pushed our 7 month old in a stroller, walking the whole way. We came in 2nd to last, but were proud to finish!

This information from the YWCA OKC explains where the event gets it’s name:

“Did you know know every two minutes someone in the United States is sexually assaulted? You can help us take a stand against this crime by participating in our 2 Minute 5K on April 20 at Stars and Stripes Park! Whether you participate as a runner, walker, volunteer or even spectator, you will have a voice in saying “no” to sexual violence in our community.”

You can find more information and register online.

Hope to see you in 2013

We have our monthly work days planned for the first part of 2013. We spend this time working on scarves, packaging them and visiting.  Here are the dates:

  • January 13
  • February 3
  • March 3
  • April 7
  • May 5
  • June 2

We’ll meet from 2-5pm on these Sundays at the Memorial Road Church of Christ in Edmond.

Hope to see you there!

YWCA 2 Minute 5 K

4th Annual 2Minute 5KAgain this year we are planning to be at a booth during the YWCA 2 Minute 5 K.

It’s been a neat event for us the past 2 years, we’ve enjoyed meeting survivors and volunteers who distribute the scarves.

If you’re in OKC this weekend, swing on by to say hi, or better yet sign up to walk or run in the race.

Check out the details.