We started 2014 out with a great work day. Here are a few of the highlights:
- We had eight people present for some part of the time.
- Four people had delivered scarves for us to package.
- Several of us started working on new scarves while we were together.
- We enjoyed visiting with one another and catching up how we spent the holidays and survived the icy weather.
Scarves ready to package Packaging the scarves is a great part of the work days! The beginning of a new scarf. Great progress being made on this scarf! A new scarf off to a great beginning One of the ones we packaged, great work! A great pile of scarves ready to package. The finished products. Packaged and ready to deliver! - We have one of these each month, and we’d love to see you at our next one!
Very nice post! Looking forward to the next meeting!